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There are 10 players registered as of 03/24/2023

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section School/Team Notes
Harwin, Jacob Flynn Flynn 1168 16953173 2025-02-28 Bughouse K-6th Grade CAAZAC American Chess Academy Calabasas NEED PARTNER
Ram, Advik 750 16261555 2024-09-30 Bughouse K-6th Grade Need Partner?
Baker, Paxton Kaj 548 17018456 2024-03-31 Bughouse K-6th Grade CAL2LU Laurence School
Choe, Matthew Hajoon 401 30578086 2023-04-30 Bughouse K-6th Grade CATCBC Beyond Chess (Temple City)
Peram, Aarwin Reddy Unrated 30954603 2024-01-31 Bughouse K-6th Grade CAZ7EA Emblem Academy
Sakharkar, Shreyas Rajendra 1809 14881532 2024-07-31 Bughouse K-12th Grade Advait-Shreyas
Krishnamoorthy, Advait 1297 15679558 2023-07-31 Bughouse K-12th Grade CAS0AO Advait-Shreyas
Sherod, Delby 493 30706697 2023-09-30 Bughouse K-12th Grade CAS2CC San Diego Chess Club
Hsu, Jonathan Unrated Bughouse K-12th Grade Hsu-Hsu
Hsu, Joseph Unrated Bughouse K-12th Grade Hsu-Hsu