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Show Section Counts

There are 10 players registered as of 05/08/2022

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Smythe, Bill 1800 10339022 2099-12-31 Open
Loftis, Madison Y 1759 12550395 2024-02-29 U1800
Therrien, Alexandre 1449 17301162 2023-12-31 U1800 4
Jackson, Reginald 1347 14956756 2022-09-30 U1800
Gao, Sean Xiang 1141 30332662 2022-11-30 U1300
Jiandani, Mehak 1025 16108634 2023-03-31 U1300
Senthilkumar, Shrinidhin 998 16894133 2023-04-30 U1300
Senthilkumar, Shrijit 960 16894044 2023-01-31 U1300
Yao, Bohan 924 16912351 2024-12-31 U1300
Banerjee, Aikya Unrated 30568899 2023-04-30 U1300