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Show Section Counts

There are 18 players registered as of 11/13/2021

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
GM Zherebukh, Yaroslav 2697 15105277 2099-12-31 Open
Ladan, Nicholas 2235 15092641 2022-02-28 Open
FM Kaplan, Avi Harrison 2089 15263943 2023-11-30 Open
Heidrich, Sean 1921 14345483 2022-11-30 Open
Chambers, Adam D 1885 12700653 2022-10-31 Open
Blackman, William 1877 12729656 2022-09-30 Open
Cedeno, Louis 1791 30130207 2022-02-28 U1800
Brewley, Malik 1644 12910029 2023-04-30 U1800
Loftis, Madison Y 1591 12550395 2021-12-31 U1800
Knox, Terrance S 1500 10345987 2022-05-31 U1800
Dong, Andy 1442 16604452 2022-11-30 U1800
Jackson, Reginald 1361 14956756 2022-09-30 U1800
Manimaran, Shivani 983 16614018 2022-06-30 U1800
Bareket, Nimrod 1232 15470993 2022-04-30 U1300
Ma, Wenbo 1167 30257695 2022-08-31 U1300
Solorzano, Manuel 1021 17339388 2024-03-31 U1300
Framnes, Keith 1010 16936274 2022-04-30 U1300
Korolev, Adam 907 16441913 2023-02-28 U1300