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Show Section Counts

There are 21 players registered as of 04/10/2022

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Smythe, Bill 1800 10339022 2099-12-31 Open
Britt, Jeff 1728 12422751 2099-12-31 Open
Raj, Ria 1709 15844590 2023-11-30 Open
Zhao, Maxwell Zhiyuan 1602 16731094 2022-06-30 Open 4
Zhang, Ryan 1585 16485982 2022-10-31 Open
Zhao, Sophia 1532 16763001 2023-03-31 Open 4
Ghosh, Yohan 1445 17187787 2023-11-30 Open
Cordero, Michael Peter 1487 14568832 2024-02-29 U1800
Murali, Rishi 1421 17352697 2024-02-29 U1800
Aziz, Sebastian 883 30357617 2022-11-30 U1800
Bareket, Nimrod 1200 15470993 2023-03-31 U1300
Mathews, Michael Lucas 1155 30159911 2022-04-30 U1300
Qiao, Mason 1129 17196377 2023-11-30 U1300
Partee, John 1041 30299394 2023-10-31 U1300
Neibel-Spruill, Patrick 900 16682292 2022-08-31 U1300
Viramontes, Benjamin 874 17090150 2023-07-31 U1300
Pan, Alexander 738 17192127 2026-11-30 U1300 4
Akin, Otto 649 30371365 2022-12-31 U1300
Cho, Edwin Unrated 30524740 2023-03-31 U1300
Levon, Sam Unrated 30515029 2024-03-31 U1300
Morrissey, Tommy Unrated 30550893 2024-04-30 U1300